“We Have Overcome
By Blood Of The Lamb And The Word Of Our Testimony.”

May Our Testimonies Give You Faith And Courage

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.  Revelation 12:11

Morgan C

Morgan C

“My name is Morgan, and I am beyond blessed to be a part of Sion Ministries. I’ve been on my Christian walk for almost 3 years, but I had no foundation. I was very confused and becoming frustrated with religion. I studied on my own, as well as prayed, worshipped, but I lacked discipleship. I spoke with brother Corey on the phone. He was praying for my healing, but he started telling me about the classes. I absolutely felt the Spirit, and I was so drawn to these classes. I can honestly say, it was one of the best choices I ever made. Not long after I started, my husband started the classes with me, and I’ve seen a huge change in him as well. I went through a lot in my rebellion- from foster care to addiction, to abuse, to jails, rehab, prison, new age practices, occult practices, and I was so lost.

Sion has given me so much clarity and understanding. I know I’m right where God needs me. I find myself growing so much, maturing, and I’m not confused like I was. I now have a foundation. Through Sion, I have been activated in prophetic vision that I didn’t even know dwelled within me. This discipleship is the best thing that has happened to my little family. The members of Sion are welcoming and supportive. They are loving and kind, and I have found my family. I love them! I am very thankful to the Lord for bringing me here!” 

Carrie Ann B

Carrie Ann B

“I had an amazing salvation experience in January of 2006. Before that, I was a “functioning” alcoholic. I partied all of my youth into my early adult years. I believed God existed, but I did not know Him or Jesus at all, and I never read the Bible. And then when I was about 34 years old, a single mom, I began to lose everything I had worked for. I fell into a deep depression with thoughts of suicide. This low was the beginning of a new life I never knew existed. I cried out to God in my living room floor with all I had left in me, and He said four words to me. He said, “You need My Son”. January 2020 will be my 14th year of being supernaturally born again and delivered from the alcohol. But something devastating happened to me in 2016 that I never saw coming. This brings me to my connection with Apostle Corey and my Sion family.

I know God used Corey to connect with me and pray me through some very dark, and very dangerous moments. This demonic attack was so strategic in its attempts to disable me completely. But God had a plan too, and His plan prevailed! For 3 years now, God has planted me in the ministry of Sion, equipping me to operate in the gifts of the Spirit and to do what God has called me to do for Him on this earth. Just like he used Sion for me in a time of great trouble, He plans to use me! And now, I will be able to be more effective in my purpose, for His Glory!” 

Michelle G

Michelle G

“I am eternally grateful for Apostle Corey Douglas and Sion Ministries. I got connected with Apostle Corey during a very rough season of my life. I felt incredibly stuck in life and had emotional wounds that were keeping me isolated and in bondage to the enemy. I often wondered if there was more to life that what I was living, but didn’t see a way to change anything. I needed a supernatural God to do a supernatural work in me. God connected me with Apostle Corey who prayed me out of many layers of bondage and taught me how to use my authority in Christ. I joined the online prophetic class where I have gotten activated in gifts of the Spirit, received many dreams from the Lord, and received impartations from my now spiritual father, Apostle Corey.

I have been getting a very solid foundation in the Word, and I am learning the importance of dying daily and the power in the finished work of the cross. God has given me beauty for ashes, and this is only the beginning- the best is yet to come! Thank you God for Apostle Corey & Sion Ministries.” 

Elizabeth J

Elizabeth J

“Sion Ministries has been beneficial in my walk with the Lord. I learned to be fully equipped in Spiritual Warfare and also in the prophetic. Pastor Corey had the drive, patience, and courage to guide me through battle when everyone that tried to help me had left my side. I ran to Sion because I was being tormented by demons every night for 4 years. I had no strength, nor knowledge, on how to defeat them. Pastor Corey prayed for me and taught me different tactics that I would then use to fight the devil. He helped me find my identity in Christ Jesus, which helped cultivate the spiritual gifts that were lying dormant in my life. I no longer live in fear of the demonic realm. Sion has also been a life restorer. Sion is not run by just one individual. I truly believe every single person is like a family member. I struggled with rejection for such a long time.

But through the teachings, I have grown closer to God and know that I am loved.  I never needed to be afraid of what people thought about me. It has been such a long journey, but it really has increased my faith so that worry and anxiety does not plague my life. This growth would not have been possible without Sion Ministries’ dedication to serving.” 

Tara J

Tara J

“Hi, I’m Tara. I grew up without my parents starting at the age of 10. I went from one house to the next, and then I had my first child at the age of 15. I moved out on my own at 18 with a man right after high school only to be abused almost daily. I got pregnant again with a baby girl but I lost her at 38 weeks pregnant. A few months later I finally left him and moved in with a sister for awhile. I was desiring to do right but I was struggling, so I ran to the church for help. I knew there was more to the gospel than what I was getting but I wasn’t sure what. In 2016 I walked away from that church never looking back. I never wanted to step foot in another church. My husband introduced me to Apostle Corey and I knew he was a true man of God. I had been wondering who I was in Christ and my calling, and he confirmed what God was telling me.

Sion has been such a blessing to me. Since attending I have learned some of my gifts and how to cultivate them. Apostle Corey’s love for people is so amazing, and you can tell that he has truly made sacrifices to become a legitimate leader. Sion Ministries is a great place to attend if you’ve been wondering who you are Iin Christ, and if you just want to feel God’s love, Sion is the place to be.” 

Scarlet M

Scarlet M

“Brother Corey from Sion Ministries has really encouraged me to keep warring. He has helped me to grow and understand many things that come with the office and calling of a prophetess of God. I have grown in understanding in many areas; understanding my dreams and visions, the importance of knowing who we are in Christ, as well as the power and price of the blood of Jesus. I am gaining more wisdom and revelations. I am so blessed to be under his covering as a spiritual leader, mentor, and teacher. I am not only expecting to receive, but also to give and pass on what Sion Ministries has blessed me with. I am learning so that I can then help others. I expect to grow deeper into the things of God, and also increase in intimacy in my relationship with The Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit.”

Olympia H

Olympia H

“Sion Ministries has been a God-send for me, and a place where I can feel welcome, safe, loved, and embraced. It’s been a place where I have had my spiritual gifts fine-tuned, cultivated, and anchored. It’s been a blessing and a joy to be under Apostle Corey. He is a true leader, and he invests his all into those God calls him to equip and pour into. This ministry is raising up a new generation of anointed leaders and I am blessed God placed me and my husband to be a part of the Sion family.”  

Michelle L

Michelle L

“Words could never be enough to express the love and appreciation I hold for Sion Ministries and each person connected. Prior to recent weeks I could only testify about how Sion has impacted me through the teachings and leadership, but now I’m able to testify on an entirely different level! My childhood best friend was recently hospitalized and placed on life-support. Immediately I went to the Lord and asked if she will live or die. Soon after I heard the Holy Spirit say, “you receive the dead back to life!” Within seconds of hearing the Holy Spirit say that Pastor Corey responded to a message, I sent him earlier that day.  He said, “It’s not about how many pray, but who actually believes. You have the faith to raise the dead. Don’t doubt your prayers because I don’t.”

I began truly believing my prayers would raise her, but after the days past and she worsened I began getting scared. The doctors began saying if she doesn’t improve, they were going to take her off the ventilator, meaning she will die!

As I began to feel depression set in, I decided to ask for help from some of my fellow Sion sisters. They agreed to intercede with me using the Zoom app. What happened was nothing short of a miracle and a testament of the power of agreement, unity, and the importance of individual functions within the Body of Christ! As my sisters began praying my spirit was radically stirred. I began feeling the faith that seemed to nearly be gone shoot to the sky as we each took turns praying.

Spiritual gifts were exercised as we depended on one of my fellow sisters that God was using to take us into the hospital room. We knew exactly what to pray based on the visions. What touched my heart the most is after a while of praying there was still great resistance in the spirit realm. I began to prepare for them to get off the line and I would have to continue praying alone, but that’s not what happened! They insisted on staying on the line and even told me that they still feel resistance and we need to keep praying.

We began praying in tongues and the Holy Spirit began moving powerfully through each one of us! One of the sisters saw Jesus walking back and forth in the room and then He walked up to the foot of her bed and placed his hands on her feet and Life went into her body! From that day forward she began getting better and within a few days, she was moved from ICU to a regular room, and then a couple of weeks after being moved she was released from the hospital! Glory to God! I honestly believe had my sisters not prayed that day my friend may not be alive today. God is good and He is faithful!”

Leis S

Leis S

“My name is Leis, and I connected with Apostle Corey on what potentially should have been one of the worst days of my life. With the pangs of a pending divorce and a very huge hole in my heart, Corey came just at the right time. He assured me that he would be there so that what the enemy meant for harm, would not sting as intended. One day Corey was praying for me over the phone, and before hanging up, he said, “I hear the Holy Spirit saying, let go of that which is dead, and cling to that which is alive.” Within a few weeks, I had two strangers confirm the same word to me. Little did I know that God would be moving me to Huntsville, AL, in the summer of 2018, to recover from many things.

It wasn’t in my plan book to leave my little Florida town, but it was in God’s.  After the move, a hurricane named Michael came through as a category 5, and destroyed the city/region I was living in. If I wouldn’t have moved with God’s timing, I would be jobless, homeless, and alone. I’m glad that I let go, clung on to my future chapter, and let the love of a father take away the sting. For this reason, Sion is my home.”  

Robyn P

Robyn P

“Greetings from Robyn in St. Louis. I was at work today in the water division of St. Louis city government. A woman came to my window with an application for water service in St. Louis. She had driven up from Huntsville, AL. She said she was told over the phone that she had to be in our office to submit the application. That is completely false. Her application could have been submitted online. While apologizing for the misinformation, I noticed her mailing address was in Huntsville and asked if she knew of Sion Ministries. I began to tell her of my experiences with Sion Ministries and what a great blessing you all are to me and many many others around the world. She pulled out her phone to look up Sion Ministries and a big smile lit up her face. She said, “this is right by my house. I can walk there”.

I told her God takes everything and uses it for our good. “There was a reason for you to drive six hours to St. Louis to personally hand me a piece of paper that could have been emailed,” I said. She didn’t hand it to the person standing next to me, she gave it to me. She looked at her phone again and her smile got bigger. She said, “I know him!”. She showed me your picture. I said “yes! That’s Pastor Corey”. She said that you had come to her church, Union Chapel. She looked at her phone again and saw a list of some of your podcasts. She said “I’m going to listen to him on the drive back to Alabama. I was very blessed with meeting her.  I told her how I love Sion Ministries and plan to come to visit you all in person.”  

Richard C

Richard C

“Hi, my name is Richard, and I’m here to testify of the awesome change Sion has done in me, in this season of my Christian walk. I have been a Christ follower since January 2010, but never have I been in a class that has equipped me so deeply. Since the day I had joined Sion, the classes have deepened my faith, deepened my understanding of God and Christ. Brother Corey is such an amazing teacher, and I can humbly say, he is my spiritual father. He rightly divides the Word of God. The Leadership class that brother Corey teaches is so amazing. Some months ago, I was preaching at a church for the head pastor and they asked me if I would take over as the pastor of the church.

I said no because deep down inside my spirit I knew I wasn’t fully equipped to lead a flock of God’s people.  Did I want to become the head pastor? Yes, I did, but I didn’t want to end up leading God’s people astray because I wasn’t fully equipped as a leader. Sion has equipped me so readily that now I’m just excited about what type of leadership God is about to put me in. If you are looking for an in-depth, bible dissecting, leadership teaching, Spirit-filled class, I encourage you to join the Sion Ministry classes; and I promise you won’t regret it. You will come out of these classes stronger, bolder, fully equipped to face the giants that we all face and come in contact with. Come and join and be blessed.” 

Rafael H

Rafael H

“First I want to thank Jesus for Sion Ministries, and Brother Corey Douglas, also everyone that is involved in my journey of spiritual growth and discipleship. I encourage all to keep seeking the truth. Being part of a group that seeks the heart of Christ has strengthened my walk. It is great to interact with everyone. Having a kingdom family has been a blessing to my family.” 



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